AIP Company Basketball Tournament

AIP held a basketball match to improve team cohesion, and enhance the physical and mental health of the staff so that they can work and live happily!

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September 12, 2023

AIP Company Basketball Tournament

In order to enrich the spare time and cultural life of the staff, improve team cohesion, and enhance the physical and mental health of the staff, AIP participated in the basketball competition with the theme of "Unity and Struggle, Courage to be the First".

AIP Company Basketball Tournament

The purpose of the basketball tournament at AIP:

Ⅰ. Improve the physical fitness and health of employees.

Basketball is a kind of aerobic exercise, which can exercise cardiopulmonary function, enhance muscle strength and endurance, improve coordination and reaction ability, and prevent obesity and chronic diseases. By participating in the company's basketball competition, employees can enjoy the fun of exercise, release pressure, and improve physical fitness and health after work.

AIP Company Basketball Tournament

Ⅱ. Promote communication and exchange among employees.

Basketball is a team sport that requires players to cooperate with each other, pass, control the rhythm, and develop tactics. Through company basketball games, employees can improve their understanding and trust of each other on and off the court, build friendships, and enhance communication and exchange skills.

AIP Company Basketball Tournament

Ⅲ. Cultivate the team spirit and competitive consciousness of the staff.

Basketball is a competitive activity that requires players to work together, support each other, and advance together. By participating in company basketball games, employees can learn to cooperate in competition, enhance competition in cooperation, and develop team spirit and competitive awareness.

AIP Company Basketball Tournament

AIP focuses on global motor testing and provides one-stop motor testing solutions. "Customer-centered, striver-oriented", AIP will continue to enrich the cultural and sports life of employees for the purpose of promoting the physical and mental health of employees from the point of view of organizing more and better colorful cultural and sports activities, enriching the construction of a corporate culture of our company, and promoting the vigorous and rapid development of AIP.