AIP pinhole insulation tester test items mainly include vacuum degree, voltage, and sampling frequency.

AIP pinhole insulation tester is mainly used in EV compressor motors, military motors, pump motors, home appliance compressor motors, industrial motors, etc., and effectively improves detection rate for single/multiple point damage problems on the coil. etc., one-stop to complete all project testing.


Pinhole insulation tester

AIP’s pinhole insulation tester, supporting offline tests for different motor stator assemblies, specialize in detecting single point or multiple point damage on stator coil. The pinhole insulation tester mainly applied in EV compressor motor, military motor, pump motor, home appliance compressor motor, industrial motor etc., and effectively improving detection rate for single/multiple point damage problem on coil. The testing technology has no harm to stator assembly and could be applied in production for full test. 

Key Features

Data analysis: count NG/OK parts quantity automatically and data could be exported in .CSV file.

Intelligent: support to connect Internet for remote connection, online failure check, and program upgrading

Multiple interfaces: USB, LAN, RS232 extension ports

Windows OS, clear interface for operation

Three color light and volume alert for pass/fail test

Support MES (manufacturing execution system)connection

Language: English and Chinese option


Equipped with safety curtain protection

Equipped with vacuum pump for air extracting

Vacuum degree display: digital meter

Specially designed tooling for part placement

Manually adjusting testing voltage makes it convenient to check the damage position for maintenance

Determine OK/NG by discharging the parameter

No-harm testing technology can be applied in mass production 


Testing parameter


Vacuum degree




Testing voltage


±(3%*display value+8V)


Sampling frequency




Tester working requirements


Power supply

Three-phase 380V,50Hz


Pneumatic supply



Power capacity



Current capacity


  • How do you test a coil?

    1. Disconnect power: Ensure all power to the circuit or device is turned off.

    2. Check the resistance: Using a multimeter, set it to the resistance test mode (ohms). Touch the multimeter probes to the two terminals on the coil and note the resistance. Compare it to the coil's specifications or an industry standard.

    3. Check for continuity: Turn the multimeter to continuity mode and touch the probes to the coil terminals. If the circuit is complete, the multimeter will beep or light up.

    4. Check for shorts: Connect one probe to each coil terminal and power the circuit. If the multimeter reads high resistance or infinity, the coil is probably not shorted.

    5. Check for voltage: Connect the coil to a power source and measure the voltage across the coil terminals. Note that some coils may require alternating current (AC) while others require direct current (DC). If the voltage is not what's expected, recheck your connections and power source.

    If the coil fails any of these tests, it is likely faulty and should be replaced.

  • What causes a coil to malfunction?

    There are several factors that can cause a coil to malfunction, including:

    1. Coil Age: Coils have a lifespan of approximately 10-15 years. Over time, the coil may deteriorate, and its performance may decrease, resulting in malfunction.

    2. Insufficient Airflow: Lack of proper airflow can cause the coil to freeze up or become clogged with dirt or debris, leading to malfunction.

    3. Improper Installation: If the coil is not installed correctly, it may not function correctly, leading to malfunction.

    4. Refrigerant Leak: A refrigerant leak can cause the coil to fail, resulting in its malfunction.

    5. Corrosion: Rust and corrosion can build up on the coil, reducing its efficiency, and leading to failure.

    6. Power Surge: A power surge can damage the coil's electrical components, leading to its malfunction.

    7. Overuse: Excessive heat and stress on the coil can cause it to malfunction.

  • How do you know if a coil is damaged?

    1. Resistance changes: If the resistance of the coil significantly changes, then it may be damaged. You can use an ohmmeter to measure the resistance.

    2. Burnt smell: If you smell a burnt odor coming from the coil, then it may be damaged.

    3. Visible damage: If there is visible damage like a broken or burnt wire, then the coil is most likely damaged.

    4. Poor performance: If the device is not producing the expected performance or producing no vapor at all, then the coil is a possible cause.

    5. Short circuit: If the device is indicating a short circuit, then the coil may be damaged.

  • What damage can a bad coil pack cause?

    A bad coil pack can cause various damages such as:

    1. Engine misfires: A damaged coil pack can cause engine misfires, causing the engine to run rough, lose power, and sometimes stall.

    2. Poor fuel economy: A malfunctioning coil pack can cause fuel to burn less efficiently, leading to poor fuel economy.

    3. Catalytic converter damage: Prolonged misfires can damage the catalytic converter, leading to expensive repairs.

    4. Damage to spark plugs and wires: Damaged coil packs can cause spark plugs to fail prematurely, leading to costly repairs.

    5. Check engine light: A failing coil pack can trigger the check engine light, indicating a problem with the engine control system.

    6. Reduced engine performance: A bad coil pack can result in reduced engine performance, leading to poor acceleration, reduced power, and poor overall driving experience.

  • Can a bad coil pack damage engine?

    Yes, a bad coil pack can potentially damage the engine if left unaddressed or if it causes severe misfires over an extended period. Here's how a faulty coil pack can potentially lead to engine damage:

    ·Increased stress on other components: When a coil pack is not functioning properly, it can cause misfires in the engine. Misfires result in unburned fuel entering the exhaust system, which can lead to increased heat and stress on components such as the catalytic converter and oxygen sensors. Over time, this can cause damage to these components.

    ·Overloading the ignition system: A bad coil pack may not be able to generate enough voltage to properly ignite the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber. This can result in incomplete combustion, leading to increased levels of unburned fuel in the exhaust system. The unburned fuel can damage the catalytic converter, and the excess strain on the ignition system components (such as spark plugs and wires) can cause them to wear out faster.

    ·Engine overheating: Misfires caused by a faulty coil pack can also result in irregular engine operation, including poor fuel combustion. This can lead to increased heat generation within the engine, potentially causing it to overheat. Engine overheating can be detrimental to various engine components and may result in severe damage if not addressed promptly.

    ·Long-term damage from continuous misfires: If a bad coil pack leads to persistent and severe misfires, it can cause damage to the engine's internal components. The continuous misfires can result in increased wear and tear on the piston rings, cylinder walls, valves, and even the engine bearings. This can lead to decreased engine performance, reduced fuel efficiency, and potentially costly repairs.

    It's important to address a faulty coil pack promptly and have it replaced by a qualified mechanic to prevent potential engine damage. Regular maintenance and addressing any ignition system issues can help ensure the longevity and proper functioning of your engine.