Press Release

Press Release

In order to ensure that the finished motor sent to the end customer is high quality, motor factory testing is essential, motor stator test is one of the important processes, then the motor stator tester test which items, the next AIP editor for you to share!
Why test the die-cast rotors of the motor, and what is the significance of the detection of the die-cast rotors? This article for your detailed answer, motor rotor as a core part of the motor, its testing significance is self-evident, AIP provides one-stop motor testing solutions.
What is the selection basis and working scope of the dynamometer, the type, specifications, cooling mode, speed, torque and efficiency of the dynamometer can be used as the basis for user selection.
Armature is an important part of the motor, what are the difficulties and precautions of armature test? AIP editor will share relevant details for every, and I hope it can help you to test the electrical performance of armature.
The brushless motor test is an operation that must be carried out before the brushless motor leaves the factory. This article takes the air conditioner fan brushless motor as an example to briefly introduce the test items of the brushless motor before leaving the factory.
The time of motor stator test in a vacuum environment, motor stator vacuum tester, motor vacuum tester
This paper mainly introduces the brushless DC motor stator test item and AIP brushless DC motor stator tester.
This topic covers what is new energy vehicle motor testing, precautions for new energy vehicle motor testing, new energy vehicle motor tester, what items are new energy vehicle motor testing, which new energy vehicle motor tester is good, etc., you Everything you want is here.
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